Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Most hypnotists will tell you initially that you will remember everything that is said, and you may.  As you become more comfortable with hypnosis, your conscious mind may wander a bit as you become more deeply relaxed.  You may be very tuned in to what the hypnotist is saying one minute, and tune out the next.  If this happens, your memory of exactly what was said may be fuzzy.  You need not be concerned if this happens as your subconscious is always tuned in.  Most hypnotists will verbally go over everything that is important for you to remember when you are not in hypnosis and put in writing those instructions that are most important for you to follow.  Even if you were given the suggestion that you would not remember, since you are always in control of your own mind you may choose to remember anyway.  In the thirty years I have been practicing I have never given this instruction because I have never found a situation for which this would be warranted.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Most people are somewhat nervous on their first appointment just because it's a new experience.  I also find that most people who have never been hypnotized before are skeptical that they will be able to be hypnotized.  Discussing your fears and doubts will generally be all you need to overcome them.  If you would prefer not to for some reason, there are a number of alternatives.  You can bring a friend along as an observer or just make an appointment to talk and have your questions answered.  Having a discussion with another person who has been hypnotized will also go a long way to alleviate your fears.  Actually just letting go and allowing yourself to experience whatever you experience will be all you need to overcome your skepticism.  These two problems for the most part both stem from misconceptions.  Reading a bit about hypnosis and discussing the hypnosis process with the hypnotist should dispel any misconceptions and help you to have a pleasant and successful experience.