Sunday, December 12, 2010

More On Affirmations

  As stated before, an affirmation should be simple, positive and believable and said ten times after counting from 50 - 1.  Generally, there are two parts to an affirmation, so each affirmation is generally two sentences.   The first part is the goal.  The goal states what you want to do that you are not currently doing.  The second part is the primary purpose.  This is the basic reason you want to do it.  The goal may be, "I'm a nonsmoker for life."  It may be, "I will eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly."  There may be many reasons why you want to do these things, but you want to get to the heart of the matter.  If you want to become a nonsmoker your primary purpose statement might read, "I will be healthier and live longer."  If you want to lose weight your primary purpose statement might read, "I will look and feel better about myself."  Take your time forming both parts of your affirmation to narrow it down to the most important parts of what you want to say.  If you need help with this, leave me a message in the comment section and I'll be happy to help you form the best affirmation for your goal.

1 comment:

  1. This is great Jeanette. You explain everything so clearly. If I may be so bold, I love your photo, and would like the opportunity to know you better. Please let me know if this is a possibility. Warmly, Jake Pershov
